How To Write A Book With Snehal R Singh.

Learn A to Z of Writing And Publishing.


Workshop Venue: Kapila Business Hotel, Pune.

Date: 12th Nov 2022.

Time: 9 AM To 5 PM.

Cost: Rs. 5,555.00


Meet Your Coach, Snehal R Singh!

Snehal R Singh is the Publisher & Founder of Mind Spirit Works Publishing, Abundance Strategist, 10X Bestselling Author, Writer’s Coach, Podcaster, & International Speaker.

She truly believe that each one of us has a life purpose and that life purpose demands that we share our stories, our challenges, our ideas, our discoveries with the world.

And that’s why, She has started this publishing house, to give power to your voice and take away all the technicalities from your way so that you can just focus on your thoughts, words and write a book that leaves your legacy behind for the future generation to follow.

What You Will Learn?

AtoZ of Writing & Publishing

9:00 am – 10:00AM
Planning And Preparing To Write Your Book


Before you start to write a book, you need to have a plan and schedule to write a book and complete it. In this session, I will introduce you to a preparation and plan to write your book. 

10:00 am – 12:00PM
Create Your Book Outline


Just like a house cannot be built without a blueprint, a book also cannot be written without a proper blueprint. In this session, I help you create that winning strategy to ensure you complete writing the book and publish it.

12:00 pm – 1:00PM
Introduction To 5 Step Writing Formula.


Writing becomes much easier when you have the formula to follow and without this formula, writing and completing your book becomes an unending battle. That’s why, I share with you the 5 Step formula to write your book, making your journey a little easier. 

1:00 pm – 2:30PM
Lunch And Network


Lunch and Network with your fellow participants, exchange notes and find accountability partners.

2:30 pm – 3:30PM
Self-Publish Your Book


In this session, you will learn everything about self-publishing your book, including editing, proofreading, designing book cover and uploading your manuscript on amazon and other platforms. 

3:30 pm – 5:30PM
Marketing Your Book


What if you write a beautiful book with all your heart but there are no readers for your book? That’s not the outcome I want for your book and that’s why, I will teach you everything about marketing your book so that you have readers waiting in line for your book, even before your book is published. This session covers all that and more.

Where It’s At?

Workshop Venue: Kapila Business Hotel, Pune.

Date: 12th Nov 2022.

Time: 9 AM To 5 PM.

Cost: Rs. 5,555.00

This Event is Invaluable For Future Writers, But There’s Only Room for 39!

Register now to NOT miss out on a golden opportunity!

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