Calling All Poets
Submit Your Verses for a Chance to Be Published!
Are you a wordsmith with a passion for poetry?
Do you weave emotions into verses that dance off the page and resonate with readers’ souls?
If so, we invite you to submit your poetry for our upcoming anthology.
♦ 100% Royalty Free | ♦ One Time Publishing Fees | ♦ Publish Print & eBook | ♦ Worldwide Distribution

About This Remarkable New Book Series Project:
At MindSpiritWorks, we’re thrilled to announce our latest project: a poetry book that celebrates the beauty, power, and diversity of poetic expression.
We believe that poetry has the ability to touch hearts, spark imagination, and inspire change.
And we want to showcase the incredible talent of poets like you.
Why Submit Your Poetry to Us?
Here’s Why You Must Submit Your Work For The Chance To Get Published For Free!
- Publication Opportunity: Selected poems will be featured in our anthology, giving you the chance to see your work in print and share it with a wider audience.
- Promotion: We’re committed to promoting our poets and their work. Your name and bio will be included alongside your poem, offering you valuable exposure within the literary community.
- No Cost to You: Unlike many publishers, we do not charge any fees for submission or publication for this project. Our goal is to make poetry accessible to all and celebrate the art form without financial barriers.
- Inspiration and Connection: By participating in our anthology, you’ll join a community of fellow poets who share your passion for the written word. Connect with like-minded individuals and draw inspiration from their work.
We Bring Great Minds Together To Create A Phenomenal Product That Everyone Loves!
How to Submit Your Poetry:
- Email Submission: Send your poetry submissions to with the subject line “Entry for Poetry Book.” Please include your name, contact information, and a brief bio in the body of the email.
- Poetry Guidelines: We welcome poems of all styles and themes. Whether you write sonnets, haikus, free verse, or experimental poetry, we want to hear from you. Each poet may submit up to three poems for consideration.
- Deadline: The submission deadline is [insert deadline date here]. Please ensure that your submissions are sent before this date to be considered for inclusion in the anthology.
Don’t miss this opportunity to share your voice, your vision, and your poetry with the world.
Submit your verses today and let your words ignite hearts, inspire minds, and leave a lasting impression on readers everywhere.
We look forward to reading your work!
Our Past Project Case Study: “Coach Wisdom I & II” Co-Author Project!
“Coach Wisdom” is a collection of personal experiences, industry best practices, tips, do’s, and don’ts within the growing coaching profession, from professionally certified coaches globally, compiled by coaches and best-selling authors, Divya LV Jegasundaram and Snehal R Singh.
- As coaches, mentors, and lecturers of coaching, both Divya and Snehal have been able to observe first-hand the struggles, fears, questions, and doubts that many face when entering the field; That’s where this book was conceptualized.
- From why coaches fail, to conquer your fears, to establishing a market for yourselves, or getting started and finding your purpose, this book has something that will pique your interest whether you are thinking of entering the world of coaching, are new to the industry or have been coaching for years.
- This book is a first of its kind and provides the opportunity for the reader to learn and understand coaching and its many facets at a much deeper level, with ideas of how to move forward and build the coaching business you desire – all while nurturing and sustaining your own personal growth.

‘Coach Wisdom’ is a wonderful concept, bringing all great coaches on single platform to be co-author such a book which provides very meaningful and useful content for readers, especially for readers who are going to commence their journey as a Life Coach or Executive Coach.
Each chapter of this book is unique in its own way and it would be unfair to single out any one chapter I liked the most.
However, I still feel Mr. Nagesh, Mr Matt, Ms Shilpa, Snehal, Pradnya, Amy, Poonam and of course all leave a lasting impression on reader’s mind.
Great Job..done! Thank you all for this wonderful reference book..and I wish and look forward to volume 2 of Coach Wisdom.
–Nitin Mistry
Who Is Snehal R Singh.

Hi! I am Snehal, the Publisher & Founder of Mind Spirit Works Publishing, Abundance Strategist, 10X Bestselling Author, Writer’s Coach, Podcaster, & International Speaker.
I truly believe that each one of us has a life purpose and that life purpose demands that we share our stories, our challenges, our ideas, our discoveries with the world.
And that’s why, I have started this publishing out, to give power to your voice and take away all the technicalities from your way so that you can just focus on your thoughts, words and write a book that leaves your legacy behind for the future generation to follow.
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